Friday, 17 December 2010

BMS and Urban Expression Announce New Partnership

News just released of an exciting new partnership for cross cultural mission in British cities.

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Church of Jazz

Cannonball Adderly Quintet lead worship on the theme of adversity.  The Spirit seems to be moving on the congregation.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Advent Readings and Prayers

My turn this week to contribute thoughts and prayer suggestions to Northern Baptist Learning Community's advent cycle.  Go read and pray.

Friday, 10 December 2010

Book Launch: Ancient Faith Future Mission: New Monasticism as Fresh Expressions of The Church

Those who came along to the prophetic voices day here at Luther King House in October when we looked at new monastic communities might interested in this book launch:
The combination of Fresh Expressions of Church and the explosion of interest in monastic spirituality is resulting in the emergence of new monastic communities inspired by historic patterns of religious life, but reframed for the contemporary world.  In this book, leaders of traditional religious communities and emerging 'new monastic' communities tell their stories and reflect on how an ancient expression of being church is inspiring and shaping a very new one.
Thursday 3rd Feb.  18:00 - 21:00 
Location: Church House, 90 Deansgate, Manchester.
Free Tickets: Event Bright
Panel for the Manchester Book Launch
(Chair) Ben Edson, DIocesan Fresh Expressions Missioner & Associate Missioner of the National Fresh Expressions Team
Philip Roderick, Spirituality Advisor to the Bp of Sheffield and Leader for Contemplative Fire Community
Mark Berry, Safe Space Community Telford
Ian Mobsby, Moot Community

Monday, 6 December 2010

"Exploring The Story" An Introduction to Reading the Bible

Some of my colleagues here at NBLC are teaching a short course which introduces the Bible and explores ways of reading the different types of literature that it contains.  Aimed at anyone at all who might be interested, this is just one expression of our mission to serve as "... a widely accessible resource for mission through theological education, equally available to the whole people of God."  It's happening in South Manchester on three Saturday mornings in January.

For more info, including details of how to book a place, go here.

(BTW you don't need to be able to read Heberw, or have a pointy thing with a brass hand on the end.)

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Of Gods and Men

Just got back from seeing the best film of the year, Of Gods and Men.  I learned lots of stuff.  I learned that it snows in Algeria.  I learned that old men have beautiful faces.  I learned that monks can be heroic.  I learned that multiple endings can be done better than in Return of the King.  I learned that intelligence, emotion and good theology can hang out together.  I learned that a film can be a brilliant sermon - without being at all preachy.  I learned you CAN do simple and profound.  I learned that this particular film does what it says on the can - it's deeply human and utterly divine.