Drive-thru Living Nativity?
Originally uploaded by greedyreader
In car nation?
Impressive, if none too good for the environment. (HT Tony Jones)
A note about the creator of this short music video: Filmmaker Mark Johnson traveled around the globe getting street musicians and others to record part of the track for Stand By Me. Using battery powered equipment and a pocket full of Frequent Flyer miles he got tracks from dozens of performers. Each one was able to wear headphones and hear what the other performers had done.
As a part of our commitment to praying with and for each other within the Northern Baptist College community, we are providing an opportunity for all students, staff members friends and associates of the College to join together in a common pattern of prayer and biblical reflection during Advent.
Every day during Advent, the College website will have a short pattern for daily prayer and bible reading on its front page. It is designed to help you to take a few minutes (10-15 maximum) per weekday to read Scripture and to prayerfully prepare for Christmas during the advent season.
In particular, we want to provide an opportunity for as many people connected with the College as possible to engage in the process of reading Scripture together. Getting us together in one place for this purpose is not straightforward, but we can read together in this way – and perhaps our reading and reflection can be the basis of some conversations with each other as and when we do meet face to face.
I would ask you to make this opportunity known to as many people as possible. There may be people in your churches, or other member churches of the College who would like to join with us. You may know other individuals who support the work of the College or who are a part of the wider College community who could join in.
The pattern for prayer will be very simple: a bidding prayer for each day of the week (not weekends), suggested readings for each day with questions for reflection and then some suggestions for prayer, including prayers for the life and work of NBC. The prayers will start on Monday December 1st and end on Wednesday December 24th. You may like to take advantage of the comments section on the website to let us have some feedback, or send us an email
We hope that God will speak to us all as we make use of this opportunity to read, pray and reflect together and apart.
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Last Week's poll: Should this country's blasphemy laws be repealed? 11 votes yes =10, no =1. One more vote: I vote yes - God's big enough to take care of things without any help from the government.